Honesty Compassion Diligence Courage
Following the educational policies outlined by the government, Tsai Hsing champions the following virtues: honesty, compassion, diligence and courage. Beyond academic skills, we promote these important qualities to provide a complete education for our students. We believe that our teachers and students will work hard together during the entire process to achieve success. As society changes and the world modernizes, we are still convinced that there are core principles that should be followed. They are as follows:
1) Cultivate A Strong Moral Code.
At Tsai Hsing, we have a strong ethical culture. We expect our young people to develop a clear sense of right and wrong and to behave in a responsible manner at all times. This is because every student is a representative of our school no matter where he or she is. By the time our students graduate, they will have thorough understanding of this code: "Do not withhold charity because it is too small. Do not commit an offense because it is too minor."
2) Emphasize Filial Piety And Other Confucian Ideals.
We have great respect for traditional Chinese values. For students to understand their potential impact on the world, they must understand their place in it. The old values - respect for one’s parents, good performance of one's duty, etc. - are classic truths that are still relevant in today’s modern world. Self-respect and respect for the world require a long nurturing process in order to be fully developed and flourish. This process cannot be rushed.
3) Promote Compassion And Community Service.
It is critical to teach our young people the importance of self-sacrifice and civic duties. We stress the virtue of helping others, which leads to greater self-respect. We all need love, but we also need to give love to our community. Utilizing education as the channel, we promote the spirit of service.
4) Encourage Intellectual Curiosity.
To be a high achiever, one must possess self-determination, avoid distractions and temptation, and also reach beyond the constraints of one’s environment. With a solid intellectual foundation, one will be able to have a deeper appreciation of the world and enjoy a gratifying and happy life.
5) Instill A Love Of Reading.
U.S. President Harry S. Truman once said, "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." Everyone has a different way of learning - some learn better by listening, others by visualization, and still others prefer first-hand experience. Reading is a proven, systematic way to gain knowledge. While the process of reading can be slow, the results are long-lasting. We have opened the curtain of the 21st century with the Internet, and at Tsai Hsing, we utilize modern technology to its fullest. However, ever since the Industrial Revolution, books have been man’s most important learning tool. Their importance should not be forgotten.
Above are just a few important issues that we see today. They deserve our utmost attention and honest discussion. With the help of all our dedicated teachers, Tsai Hsing School has a long history of more than sixty years, and with their persistent effort, the road ahead will stretch even longer. It is our hope that the Tsai Hsing community will continue the hard work of realizing our ideals to welcome a bright future.